Friday, February 19, 2010

This is veryyy long and over waited! So here goes: WELCOME TO MS.N0Ni'S WORLD BLOG. Now this is not like any other blog. I am very open minded... so I like to think there are no limits when it comes to... writing. I would love to share my passions, thoughts, journey to success...and my learnings to everyone. So I would also love feedback from other individuals who have open minds also. ...with that said...

So! I know everyone has heard the saying "We always want what we cant have..." but what if we worked hard for what we couldnt actually get it?Would we still not be able to have it? What will be will be...right? But our desires and passions are often brought to life by our perserverance. Yet other times...when one gives in and gives up, who's to say that the tables will turn? Like the saying goes "One often meets their destiny on the path they took to avoid it." So we always want what we cant have...but werent we taught to dream the inevitable? Strive hard for what we want? That was installed in our brains at a young age. What I've written so far can pertain to many aspects of life. But "we always want what we cant have" can go toward many other things. Like for instance a certain individual. That saying always seems to come up. Especially if that person is either taken, not looking, not ready to settle down, or just a complete as*hole; but yet its just something about that person that still attracts us to 'em smh. In these cases, that saying is strongly used. But what happens when we show that person our feelings? Are we still not able to have them? And why is that? Why do we want the ones that ignore us... but yet ignore the ones that want us? Its like a personal challenge to gain that person's feelings, their mind, But how do you know to just completely give up and move on? Despite how long you've gotten to know this person. Despite your thoughts that maybe they could want you too. How do you know to give up, once again? Well if you've ever been hurt before, used, taken advantage of, been mistreated in anway... the answer should lie right in front of your face. I think people find it hard to give up on something or someone that they truly want to happen; simply because all their focus has been on that one thing for some time. So I admit its hard to just lose all focus and move on. But somethings gotta give. Its only a mistake if you learn from your mistake. Its a problem when you continuously do "mistakes". Like not knowing when to leave well enough, alone.

Well I'll be... told yall i have an open mind. Two things for sure, I hope I made yall think and I hope I didn't bore yall. But please...dont be 'fraid to comment... these discussions could go on. But I do have lots more to write about. Matterfact I'm thinking of the next blog as I type. =) hehe. To be sure when...just follow my blog. Peace, Love, & Blessings YaLL... {msn0ni}[with a zer0]<---fOLLow mEh.

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